The Crazy Stickingtons

Sadly I only have 1 video up for the actual series currently but it will grow to be somewhat large. But on my YouTube account I still do have 2 more videos that are a contest entry and a challenge response to zPivotXDz, my small connection to the world of pivteering.

So right now it is puny, but soon it will have it's own website and I willadd more soon I hope. I just need to get my blasted homework done so I can have more time on the computer for this kind of stuff.

EDIT: I'm sorry but I cannot upload a sample image of TCS because I am restricted to a stupid, old computer currently and can't do a blasted thing...

Spidey Hawaiian Man

Spidey Hawaiian Man is a show started by the three friends Tyler, Aubrey, and me one day when we got really bored. Tyler said, "Let's make a show for YouTube." So we started to try to think of ideas, but then Tyler found his old Halloween costume, a Spiderman mask.

Then he found the Hawaiian necklace and the idea of SHM came to be, a superhero who was no good at saving people and did stupid stuff all the time. So now we have Spidey Hawaiian Man posted on YouTube, and now we have a web site.

It has about 60 videos posted already and is still growing. Check it out, we still have enough material to go on for about 200 more shows and we are constantly coming up with more. See ya there!

Below is the best success we've had so far in the videos:

SHM's Rap